Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Glee-S1 E6-Vitamin D

So my first official blog.  Please be gentle!

Previously on Glee: An excellent TV series debuted about a high school glee club, so the insertion of musical numbers make sense (most of the time) unlike another high school musical type movies series that we all know.  Admittedly I did enjoy the first one, but then they had to ruin it by making us endure the same bad, horrendous acting.  Anyways, I’m not going to recap the previous 5 episodes. If you haven’t seen it yet I strongly suggest that you do.  All the actors on the show are very talented in the singing and acting category, however, some are lacking in the dance category (I’m looking at you FINN).

Click to read my recap of the 6th episode of Glee!

Oh fine, a SUPER brief recap.  Mr. Shue is the Glee teacher/Spanish teacher, who used to be a big glee club star at the same high school, so he is super keen to see the glee club, called “New Directions,” win Regionals.  Their biggest competition is a rival glee club, called “Vocal Adrenaline,” who rocks the house (but unfortunately contains the SYTYCD alum Lauren, but as she is dancing/singing in such a large group, I find her presence acceptable).  Mr. Shue’s co-workers are Sue (cheerleading teacher, who wants to bring down the glee club), Emma (school counselor and germophobe who is in love with Mr. Shue), Ken (football coach and is in love with Emma) and Mr. Figgins (principal and advocate of the anti-embolism stockings).  Mr. Shue’s wife, Terri, who is awesomely deranged, experienced a hysterical pregnancy and is now lying to Mr. Shue about having a baby.  The Glee kids are Rachel (overachiever, amazing singer and has a terrible crush on Finn), Finn(Star football player, glee club male lead, not the brightest bulb in the box and is dating Quinn), Quinn(Finn’s gf, head cheerleader, pregnant with Puck’s baby and told Finn that it’s his), Puck(I suppose he’s the rebel based on his mohawk, fellow glee/football member and Quinn’s baby’s daddy), Artie (wheel chair bound glee member), Tina (stuttering rocker Asian glee member), Mercedes (resident black female with lungs made out of steel), Kurt(resident gay male who is snarktastic and is the kicker for the football team), Brittany/Santana(cheerleaders) and Mike/Matt(football players).  WHEW! Ok, I think that’s enough of that…onto the ACTUAL episode!

**Note: I’m still unsure as to how detailed I want these recaps to be, but it will have to be based on how much time permits. 

The episode starts with Mr. Shue going through dance steps with the unenergetic glee club.  Apparently Sectionals are coming up and he’s concerned that they won’t be ready for it.  To which Mercedes inserts “Oh please, Sectionals is going to be a breeze.”  How does she know this?  Because they are up against a school for the deaf (that’ll be some rocking hand signing/singing) and a school for girls out of juvie. 

While Mr. Shue(Will) complains to Emma about how complacent the kids have gotten, she flirtatiously wipes off mustard off of Will’s chin bum and tries to get her hormones in check enough to give some advice.  And what is her idea to motivate the kids?  Sticker board!  The sad thing is Will actually looks intrigued by this.  Cut in Sue Sylvester, “Oh, dear God, please, please, stop talking. I'm trying desperately to ignore the treacly sweet inanity of your asinine conversation, but now I've got bile in my mouth. I will hold my tongue no further.”  HEE!  With bile in her mouth, she informs the duo that each week she cuts a Cheerio(aka cheerleader) to keep up the competitiveness in the group.  Emma, “I can’t believe she’s allowed to teach in this school.”  You and me both Emma, but I’m so glad that she is. 

Mr. Shue tells the Glee kids to split into girls and boys, to which Kurt seems to be confused as to what gender he is (male for this activity).  In one weeks time there will be a showdown where both groups will perform a mash-up of their choice.  The girls think this will be a cake walk.

HEE!  One of the best segments of this episode has to be Sue’s entry in her journal.  I insist that there should be one in every episode.  “Dear Journal, feeling listless again today.  It began at dawn when I tried to make a smoothie out of beef bones, breaking my juicer (ya think?)  Then a Cheerio’s practice, disaster!”  Quinn’s leg quivers while on the pyramid.  Sue asks her if she’s ok to which Quinn says “I’m just tired from Glee club!”  Sue continues to berate the Glee club in the most hilarious way, finally ending with “If I can’t destroy the Glee club, I’ll have to destroy THE MAN (meaning Will)!”

Sue visits Terri at home to place the seed of an idea of an affair between Will and Emma.  In the spirit of keeping this recap short, I will unfortunately not recap everything that Sue says, although it would be worth it.  There is a nursing position open at the high school (thanks to Sue, who tripped the elderly lady down the stairs) and Sue suggests that Terri works at the high school to keep an eye on things. 

Next scene finds Terri in with Figgins, interviewing for the nursing job.  Of course she gets it despite of HAVING NO NURSING TRAINING AT ALL!  Like I know, for the purposes of the show, Terri needs to get the job, but COME ON!  At least she has First Aid Training and has used a defibrillator, which is a scary thought.

So Terri walks in on Will asking Emma to be the special judge for the glee mash-up and introduces herself as Will’s pregnant wife.  I have to say that her fake baby bump looks like a cushion was shoved up her shirt (which is essentially what it is) in this scene.  DO better Terri!  I mean how can ppl be fooled by that?

Ah, now for a voice over from Finn!  Telling us how hard it is to be a “captain of the football team, glee stud” and how excited he should be for the baby, but he just can’t keep Rachel out of his head who “freaks [him] out in the Swimfan kind of way, but she can really sing and her body is really smoking’, if you’re not into boobs.” Umm. Please somebody tell me what is with men and their obsession with breasts!  And Finn, if you think Rachel is not blessed in the bosom area, well then I’m not sure how Quinn’s little bumps have been keeping you happy.  Regardless, Finn tells us how his body is giving him “growing pains” and as he is already 12 feet tall, I’m not sure if he has much growing left to do.  “Being a guy my age is tough.  Between Glee, football, school and being popular I am feeling overwhelmed.  Everybody wants a piece of me, but I just don’t have the energy to do it all.”  Finn tried to give up homework but that didn’t work out (heh…I tried to give up hw too and that lasted for about a day).       

Switch to Finn sleeping during Glee practice with the boys.  Their mash-up will consist of Usher’s “Confessions” and Bon Jovi’s “It’s My Life.”  Puck suggests that Finn go see the school nurse and take a nap.  Frankenteen slowly wanders off to do just that.

Cut to the girls in practice.  They will be doing a mash-up of Beyonce’s “Halo” and Katrina and the Wave’s “Walking on Sunshine.”  Mercedes suggest just “winging” it as they can beat those guys in their sleep.  I have to say I like Mercedes’ straight haircut.

Finn walks into the nurse’s office where Terri recognizes him as Quinn’s bf (oh did I forget to mention that Terri has asked Quinn if she can take her baby after it is born?  Terri believes that Finn is the baby daddy).  Terri is thrilled by the excellent bone structure Finn has.  Finn is having trouble sleeping and wants to lie down.  Terri makes him sit and answer questions about his sleep habits.  Finn spews out all of his troubles and Terri tells him that back when she was in high school she was able to do all of these things without breaking a sweat.  How did she do this?  By using pseudoephedrine in decongestant pills (it’s the stuff that makes them non drowsy) of course!  She prescribes 2 decongestant pills every morning.  Finn asks “Is this safe?”  Terri replies, “It’s over the counter!  Sweetie, I’m a nurse I know what I’m doing.” HEH.

Enter Finn, hyper and invigorated, into the practice room while speed talking.  The guys are, of course, confused as to what is going on with him and Finn start jabbering about Vitamin D given by the school nurse.  Hey look, he got them some too!  Cue music and an energized bunch of guys doing their mash-up (LINK).  Normally the overproductions of these classroom music scenes really bother me as they are completely unrealistic but I do have to say that the clips with the kids in them aren’t as bad as the scenes with Mr. Shue.  I digress; anyways in this context I enjoyed it a lot.  Mr. Shue congratulates them while they bounce off the walls with excitement about beating the girls or from the drugs…whatever!

This next scene is a nice interaction between Rachel and Quinn.  Not much snark I can add to it, so I’ll just speed through this part.  Rachel and Quinn now share a bond for being outsiders.  Rachel tells Quinn that she needs the support of the Glee club so they decide to call a tentative truce.  I wonder how long THAT will last.

Heh.  Terri calls Howard Bamboo at Sheets n Things to get him to buy 36 boxes of Decongestants as she is running out.  I have to say I like Howard Bamboo, and kudos for the actor for not making him a dislikeable idiot.

Ken comes to talk to Terri about the possibility that Emma is in love with Will (well duh!) and that Will might be in love with Emma too.  Ken suggests a side affair with Terri to even things out a bit.  Unsurprisingly, Terri ignores this completely and tells Ken to buck up, be a man and buy Emma a ring and propose.  Ken protests that if she refuses he won’t be able to handle it.  Terri, once again, prescribes some Vitamin D.

Rachel and the girls are freaking out a bit over how good the boys were.  “How didiid they dddo it?” ask Tina.  “The real question is what were they on?”  In saunters Kurt telling the girls that even though he was grouped with the boys his loyalties remain with the girls. 

Next day at school, Finn walks down the hall hyped up on cold meds until he is stopped by Rachel calling him a cheater.  Finn rebuttals about how stressful his life has been and Rachel informs him of how she deals with stress with her “rigorous diet and exercise routine.”  I need to get me on one of these, but waking up at 6am?  NO thanks!  Anyways, after Rachel spits out more words about being cheaters, Finn whirls around and says “The only reason you’re so pissed about this is because you know you can’t compete with us…We’re gonna win, you’re gonna lose.  Deal with it.”   Finn leaves Rachel and her shifty brain at work in the hallway.

Next scene we have all the girls in a row accepting pills from Terri.  Quinn gets folic acid which is good for the baby.  Hey there’s Howard Bamboo popping the pills out of the plastic trays!  Can he just skip out of work like that to go help Terri?  I guess she is his boss. 

It’s lunch time and to make a long scene shorter, Terri is all up in Will’s business and Will finally comes to his senses and basically yells at Terri for intruding on his professional life and that he needs some space from her.  Once he leaves, after refusing Terri’s help to assist him in the bathroom, Terri tells Ken to propose in the lunch room.  He does to Emma’s absolute horror.   We don’t get to see her answer.

Then we have the girls, all in very similar yellow dresses, doing their mash-up in super sonic speeds (LINK).  They do seem a bit more crazed then the guys did, perhaps they are more sensitive to the drugs?  I have to say after watching both mash-ups repeatedly I do like the guy’s better.  Their integration of the 2 songs seems to have been done better.

Will and Emma are walking down the hall of the school when Will asks Emma if the rumours that Ken proposed are true.  Emma says that they are and Will asks what she’s going to do.  Emma looks at Will and asks him if there is any reason for her to refuse Ken.  Of course she’s hoping that Will will leave Terri to be with her and I’m still not sure if Will is completely oblivious about how Emma feels for him.  I highly doubt it, but previous scenes in past episodes indicate that either Will is a very good actor or he’s just an idiot.  I’m leaning towards both. 

Anyways, Emma is now in her office and Terri comes in to do her “marking her man and scaring the other women away” bit. “Marry Ken Tanaka. Oh sure, he's dumb like sand, and his fondue pot of nationalities is gonna open your kids up to a host of genetic diseases, but he's kind. And he's generous. And he's available.”  Classy Terri, so classy. 

Quinn stops Terri in the hall to talk about the “baby.”  I just have to say that if Quinn is insistent on keeping her pregnancy a secret then perhaps she SHOULDN’T talk about giving her unborn baby to a demented lady in the hallway of a high school.  Some foreshadowing happens in the form of Quinn asking Terri for money to help with the medical costs and maternity clothing.  Terri, for some reason, seems shocked that a teen girl who is giving her a baby wants money and refuses on account that she’ll be paying for the baby for the next 18 years, surely Quinn can do it for the next 7 months.  18 years??  Well, don’t tell my parents that please!

Ken is in the locker room erasing the whiteboard when Emma gingerly walks in and says hi.  She can’t stay long because of the smell and the germs (camera zooms in on a jock strap).  I don’t even want to imagine what the men’s locker room smells like after a football practice.  Ew.  Anyways, Emma has a question for Ken.  If she marries him she has some conditions that needs to be fullfilled.  They would have to continue to live in different houses, no socializing outside of work, and nobody can know that they're actually married. That's a better deal than Ken expected. Umm. Well, ok?  I’m not sure if that’s worse or not, knowing that you can potentially be spending time with someone, but still being alone.  Emma says yes.

Finn confronts Rachel for using drugs for the girl’s mash-up.  The both realize that what they did was wrong and goes off to tell Mr. Shue to disqualify their respective teams from the competition.  I’m all for this, because this means more “practicing” of songs for the upcoming Sectionals. 

Uh oh.  Figgin’s office!   Terri and Will are in there, and Will is finally told about the crazy antics of his wife.  Terri insists that they’re over the counter so they must be good for you!  And if she hadn’t given the kids the drugs, they would have just gotten them some other shady way.  Will is predictably outraged.  Terri points out that nothing bad happened except for possible drug addiction (I’m just saying!)  Figgins interrupts to say “Howard Bamboo was arrested.”  NOO!  We flash to a hilarious scene where 4 cops are tackling Howard in a drugstore.  Apparently, pseudoephedrine is used in making crystal meth and Howard was under suspicion for running a meth lab.  More yelling ensues from Will and as they get up to leave, Figgins berate Will for being too competitive and I think secretly for being completely oblivious to Terri’s insane actions.  He tells Will that someone will be co-coaching Glee club from now on.  I wonder who that might be???? 

Music room for Glee practice, and in walks Sue!  She’ll be co-coaching Glee club from now on.  And hilarity will ensue. 

Next week looks awesome!  And hopefully more singing!


McAnerbot said...

I just felt the need to throw out:
I read the character summary, and could not go on. It was Degrassi flashbacks all over again. and I had enough of the 80s during the 80s.

Except this time one character won't get hooked on cocaine, it'll be methamphetamines to be more culturally relevant.

Unknown said...

But it's soo good!!! Admittedly I have never seen Degrassi or really have any desire to but I promise this is soo much better if only for the singing!